Parliamentary League

Whilst we want to do well in the Parliamentary league and are very disappointed to have been relegated to division 2 last year (2023), this is one of the more relaxed leagues we play in .

Players must be aged 50 and over before the first match of the season to play in this league and teams are made up of 9 players (3 rinks of 3) playing over 21 ends and our teams are picked based on availability with all players wishing to play (male and female) getting regular play time.

An added bonus to playing in this league is that refreshments are provided after the game where players of both teams can socialise.

Games are played on Thursday afternoons starting at 1330.

If you would like further information about H & S Bowls and this league please contact the team captain :

John Golding tel 07717 762908

email : [email protected]

More general information can be found on the Parliamentary League website at :